Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Back again!

Like I said in the heading, "Back again. Wow, I did it again, went forever without a post.
Let me see if I can get you caught up.

Getting on the treadmill is not going so well.

But I plan on getting with it again real soon. It makes me feel better, so I don't know why I don't stay with it.
Lazy, I guess.

I have been making cards for all the graduations we had and Mother's day, but unfortunately, I forgot to get pictures of them.

But I have made some Father's day card for an exchange I am in and I did remember to take pictures of them.

I don't know why the picture is sideways, I took it with my phone and I am not sure how to turn it, so until I figure it out I will just leave it. You do get the idea, pretty simple cards.

We've also been busy planting flowers,

I do most of my flowers in containers, as you can see, pansies are my favorite, but I do have a bunch of petunias in pots too. We got this pretty pot of petunias at the local gardening center.

I just love it, I have it sitting on a table in front of our dining room window, so I can see it all day when I walk by.

Well I guess that's about it for now, my kids last day of school was last Thursday, May 16, and they are already bored. Wanna sit and watch tv or play playstaion all day. Our pool opens on Sat. so that will give them something to do.

Baseball and t-ball all start here in a few weeks and so will our busy summer.

Better go for now, talk to you soon.

Monday, April 8, 2013

It's Monday!!

Wow I don't know where this last week went but here I am again trying to catch up. 

I started my day on the treadmill. 
I would really like to lose some weight, and I really feel a lot better when I start my day this way. I only did a mile, but I figure you have to start somewhere, right??

I have also been working on some things to sell. We have what they call a Girls Day Out where we live and it is for home businesses and crafters. They have one in April  and one in October. My mom and I make handcrafts to sell. 

These are some of the baby blankets we make. They are fleece and we crochet a pretty border on them.

Here are some baby shoes my mom crocheted. She is alot better at little fine stuff than I am.

I think they turned our really cute and will look adorable on baby feet.

Well I better go get busy getting stuff ready for our craft show.
Thanks for stopping by.


Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013

I'm back!!

It's been forever since I posted on here, but here I am ,going to try again. 

As we all know yesterday was Easter. We had the kids and grandkids over for dinner and egg hunting. 

This is our granddaughter, Summer with her sack of eggs.

The kids looking for eggs, the one in the red shirt is our son, Sheldon.

Papa,(my husband) with our grandson, Hunter. 
This is his first Easter. 

This is our cat Tigre, watching all the action.

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter, thanks for stopping by.