Monday, April 25, 2011


Hi everyone, hope you all had a good Easter. We had a pretty nice one.
Saturday night the kids dyed eggs.

Even Olivia got in on it.

Sunday I fixed a ham dinner and had all the kids here. After the dinner the older kids hid the eggs for the younger ones to go find.

That was a lot of fun to watch. We had put money in the eggs so they made out pretty well on the egg hunt.

I even managed to get a few cards done for some exchanges I am in.

All in all it was a good weekend. The  kids are home today and of course it's raining, oh well we needed it.
Until next time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Levi!!

Today my son Levi turns 17, doesn't seem possible.

Last Saturday was prom, here he is pictured with his girlfriend Kyndal. They have been dating for 2 years. I think they just make the cutest couple.

Anyway enough bragging about my kids, let me show what I have been doing lately.

My husband's aunt had a birthday a couple weeks ago, and I made her cake.

It was pretty simple but she liked it.

I've also been making cards, this card I got the idea for from Mary at She has a lot of neat ideas and I have learned a lot from her.

I also got the ideas for these 2 from Mary, the top one I made just because, the bottom one I made for my husband's aunt.

This one was made for a lady in our church, she use to teach music, so I thought this seemed appropriate.

Well that's about all I've been doing, I will try harder to post more often. Thanks for stopping by and leave me a comment I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm Back!!

Wow. I know it's been a while since I posted. Just trying to get everything straightened out since getting back from my Grandma's funeral, but I think I am mostly caught up.

We celebrated Sheldon's birthday on Sat.

I used my Cricut to make the cupcake wrappers and the and toppers. That was pretty fun.

We had all the family over for a spaghetti dinner, with cupcakes and presents.

Sheldon seem to have a good time and made out pretty well in the gift department.

I have a few new listings on my Etsy.

Going to try to add more later this week.

That's pretty much what I have been doing lately.What have you been up to?
Comment and let me know.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Sheldon!!

My baby turns 5 today. I can't believe it, he starts school in the fall and he is so excited. He told me he was going to build me a robot so I wouldn't be alone while he's at school. Aww what a sweetie.

Happy Birthday Sheldon

I won't be posting on my blog over the weekend. We are going to my Grandma's funeral on Sat.
Everyone have a good weekend, talk to you next week.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Hey hope everyone had a nice weekend. Just the usual here, cooking cleaning, laundry. Did get a little crocheting done on a blanket. Should have it in my Etsy shop soon.

  I would like to give Caron Yarn a big thank you and tell you all how pleased I am with their customer service. I recently purchased some yarn from them and while I was using it every little bit it would have a knot in it. It was very frustrating, so I wrote the company. They responded very quickly with an apology and they offered to send me some replacement yarn. I received my replacement yarn today.

Yeah, Thank you Caron, and I will purchase from this company again.

I also have a new listing in my Etsy shop.

These Capri Sun bags are pretty cool. My kids pack all kinds of stuff around in theirs and we have also used them for gift bags.

The kids are on spring break this week, so it will be a whole different routine this week. Hopefully it will warm up and we can get outside.

Thanks for stopping by and leave me a comment, thanks.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sad news

I told you earlier this week we had gone to see my grandma. Sad to say she passed away this morning.

We will miss you Grandma.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to my hubby!!

With all the excitement from the snow and kids being home, I forgot to wish my husband a happy birthday.

Happy Birthday, Greg

Hope you have a good one.
Love your family.


This is what we woke up to this morning.


Yeah, kids are out of school.
I did get my blanket done that I started Saturday.

I will have this in my Etsy shop soon.

Well I better go referee the kids.
Thanks for looking and leave a comment and let me know what you are doing on this cold snowy day.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Long weekend.

Hello, hope everyone had a good weekend.

We went to visit my Grandma. She is in a nursing home and she has suffered 2 strokes within the last 2 weeks. As of right now were not sure of the outcome but we are all hoping for the best.

This was taken a few years ago, with a blanket we had given her.

I didn't get any cards made this weekend, I did make some Friday before I left to give my mom and my sister in law, but I forgot to take a picture of them.

I did get a little crocheting done on the long drive.

This is another blanket that will go in my Etsy shop when I get it done.

I did manage to get a little shopping in this weekend. I bought a few more pieces of fleece to make more blankets.

I have plenty to keep me busy. We are suppose to get hit with a winter storm tonight, perfect weather to stay inside and craft.

Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More cats and cards

Today I only have 1 cat to introduce. This is Mater, he is a brother to Luigi and Hudson.

He is a lot smaller than they are but he is a real sweetie.

Here is a card I made this morning . I made set of 4 .My kids bought me a Cricut for Christmas, and I am having a lot of fun making stuff with it.

These are already posted in my Etsy shop.

Kind of a cool overcast day here in Kansas. Good day for crafting.
Thanks for looking.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More introductions

Today I would like to introduce you to Hudson

 He is one of the brothers to Luigi, who you met yesterday.

This is Jackson,

He is from another one of those litters I couldn't get rid of. They aren't usually so grouchy looking, but I woke them up to take their picture.

I have a couple of new cards for you today. This one is for my brother- in-law and his wife for their anniversary.

The image is from She has the coolest vintage images. If you like vintage you should check her out.

This is a set of 4 St. Patrick's Day cards I made, they will be for sale in my Etsy shop.

These are some granny squares I crocheted. They are for a charity who make afghans for families who have lost someone in the war.

That's all for today, thanks for looking.

Monday, February 28, 2011

It's Monday!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

I thought today I would continue with introducing you to the family, starting with my husband, Greg. We were married May 5, 2005. He is a truck driver and is usually only home on the weekends.

This is Greg with our youngest when he came home from the hospital, he will be 5 next month. Time sure does fly.

I will also show you a few more of our cats.

This is Olivia, she found us around Thanksgiving time, and we couldn't resist. We guess her to be about 8 months old now.

 This orange striped cat is Luigi, he is from one of the litters I couldn't get rid of. He will be 3 in Mar.

Here are some cards I've made in the last few months. I have only been making cards for a little over  a year, and I love it, its alot of fun.

That's about it for today, need to get some laundry folded and maybe make a few cards.

Talk to you soon.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A little more about me.

Well now that I seem to have this blogging thing going, thought I would tell you a little more about myself. In my profile I said I was am a stay at home mom of 8, actually I only have 6 kids at home, and the oldest one of them is getting ready to leave for the Marines in May.  My oldest son, Brandon , is almost 25 and on his own, my oldest daughter, Ashley,  is 21 and she is on her own and she has a 2 1/2 year old little girl named Summer.My next son is Jake and he is 19 and is the one joining the Marines, next is my son Levi, he is 16, Caleb is 12, Katie is 11, Tyler is 11(no he and Katie are not twins, he is my stepson), and Sheldon who is 4.

We also have a house full of cats, but I won't introduce you to all of them at once, too many of them. My oldest one is Simon and he is almost 16,  in the picture he is the bigger one with the white spot, this was taken a few years ago, the kitten he is sitting with is all grown up and his name is Mack. I can't find a grown up picture of Mack, but when I do I will post it.
 This is a picture of Emerson, he was from a batch of kittens we kept, I have a bad habit of keeping batches of kittens, Ha ha.

Any way that's probably enough for today. Hope everyone has a good weekend.